1:1 Nutrition

249,00 lei

  • A 30-minute video / audio session in which we discuss the nutrition topics that you want, in case you can’t decide which program to choose or want something in addition to what is included in the other programs

This session will help you make the right choice about the programs that I offer. We will discuss and I will give you the necessary information in order to make it easier to choose. I will explain to you what the nutritional plans will be like, how they are created, what is my approach to nutrition and whether it is necessary to add physical activity or not.

Under the right guidance, I believe that every person can achieve their goal, especially when it comes to an ideal weight or healthier lifestyle. I have over 5 years of experience working with a variety of clients, and I know that each person is different, with a unique body or health issues, which is why the plans are 100% personalized for each one providing all the nutrients that the body needs.


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